Sunday, 2 October 2011


The corolation between healthy soil and great civilazations such as ancient Mesopotamia and anciet greece highlights the power of healthy soil and its neccesity in our lives. Soil seems to be tied to all sorts of issues, the fact that it can reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is really cool. Soil is teeming with life and the fact that there are billions of microbes living in healthy soil shows the interconections in nature. It is staggareing to me that there is limited funding in reasherch for the problem of soil degradation. its seems like a very serious problem.

I wonder how long it takes for healthy soil to mature?

1 comment:

  1. You're right: this is a very serious problem. If you're interested, there's a cool book called Collapse which shows how soil erosion (among other things) ended a whole whack of societies around the world including the Greeks, the Vikings, the Cambodians, Easter Islanders, and soon us! If you ever have time it is a really great read.
